Nation recalls our National Hero to mark 110th birth anniversary of Shaheed Bhagat Singh

NewsBharati    28-Sep-2017
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New Delhi, September 28: Nation remembering the brave and ferocious Bhagat Singh on his birth anniversary who selflessly strived for India’s freedom. Prime Minister Narendra Modi bowed before Legendary Shaheed Bhagat Singh. In a tweet, PM Modi said that “I bow to the brave Shaheed Bhagat Singh on his Jayanti. His greatness and exemplary courage inspire generations of Indians.”


Several other ministers and officials along with common people recalled the sacrifices made by Shaheed Bhagat Singh for the Nation.


Born on 28th September 1907 Bhagat Singh pushed himself to work selflessly for India’s freedom. At the- age of thirteen, Bhagat Singh left school and joined the freedom movement. Bhagat Singh didn’t believed in ‘non-violence’ movement rather he believed that –bombs and pistols do not make a revolution. The sword of the revolution is sharpened on the whetting-stone of ideas. He believed in a revolution as only way to win freedom.

He went to Lahore and formed a group called 'Naujavan Bharat Sabha' which consisted of young Indians and was appointed its Secretary. Here he was introduced to Chandrasekhar Azad. In February 1928, the Simon Commission, headed by Sir John Simon, came to India to decide how much freedom could be given to the people of India. But there was no Indian on the committee, so people decided to boycott it. Wherever the committee went, people protested with black flags, shouting “Simon go back”. One such procession that was lathi charged was led by Lala Lajpat Rai. A British police officer hit Lalaji on the chest. Lalaji died after some days. To avenge Lalaji's death, in 1929, together with Batukeshwar Dutt (one of the freedom fighter), they were able to threw two bombs and leaflets inside the Central Legislative Assembly, while it was in session. This incident lead to their arrest, which was already planned by them to gain the public support and spread their cause of freedom; same did happen. At this incident they gave the slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’. They gained the widespread national support when Bhagat Singh underwent a 116-day fast in jail, and reason for that is demanding equal rights for British and Indian political prisoners. During his imprisonment, sufficient evidences were bought against him in Saunders case. Found guilty, he was hanged till death on 23rd March 1931, along with his other comrades – Rajguru and Sukhdev. He was only 23 years old at the time of his death. He has been given the title of Shaheed-e-Azam (King of Martyrs).