Mumbai, September 17: In Mumbai, there are several Bengalis residing who love to go back to their hometown during Bengali’s biggest festival Durga Puja. But many Bengalis can’t go back as due to high demand train seats get booked very early and flight ticket prices get hiked. Now bringing relief to them, Central Railway has announced special trains between Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Mumbai and Howrah.
“Central Railway will run 4 Puja Special trains between Lokmanya Tilak Terminus - Howrah to clear the extra rush of passengers,” the statement reads.
Two superfast trains will run between LTT and Howrah. 02015 Superfast special trains will leave Lokmanya Tilak Terminus 24.09.2017 by 1.20am and will arrive Howrah at 6.15 pm next day. Train No. 02016 Superfast special train will leave Howrah at 2.35 pm on 26th September and will arrive Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 00.20 am on 28th September.
All four special trains will halt at many stations. The booking of tickets for these two trains on special charges will open from September 18 at all PRS locations and on official railway website. The booking of tickets for these two trains on special charges will open from September 18 at all PRS locations and on official railway website.