Enough of fairness cream ads; Watch the advt featuring swimmer Bhakti Sharma to inspire yourself

NewsBharati    12-Sep-2017
Total Views | 6

Mumbai, September 12: The frequent consumers of Youtube are so habituated or rather to say annoyed with the chunk of advertisements. Any audience while watching a Youtube video will definitely press the “skip ad” option. But there is always an exception in every bunch of examples. A Hero Pleasure ad featuring a swimmer Bhakti Sharma will definitely change the notion towards and audience will start falling in love with advertisements.

Amid Youtube ads full of beauty product promotions, fairness cream campaign pointing at the looks, complexion, and physical features this ad from Hero Motor Corporation stands far apart. From Youtube to Television, whenever you watch an ad, most of the ad will portray women as a commodity pushing one step back towards gender bias, gender stereotypes. Who are tired of all the fairness cream ads which shamelessly promote racism should watch how Hero Pleasure celebrates achievements of world record holder Bhakti Sharma in 3 minutes.

Bhakti Sharma, the swimmer holds a record of the longest distance 2.28 km in 41 minutes in the freezing water of Antarctica which nobody has done till date. She is the youngest, only swimmer from the Asian continent holding the record of to swim in all 5 oceans and 7 seas.

The video tells the story of Bhakti’s struggle to reach such a milestone and how difficult it could be to set a world record. Bhakti’s mother was her coach. A fantastic story of women empowerment depicts how a woman can help another woman to go forward in life.


The mother-daughter duo has fought against all the adversities. Being a coach, the mother had to leave her soft face and had to wear a tougher mask. Like Devi Durga, she has really multi tasked with two different compartments of her brain. On the way of her struggle, the mother had to listen her daughter will become fat, darker as if those are a terrible crime.


The mother says “Society potholes are very bad” and we really know why she told so. During the journey of being a successful woman, every woman both in Eastern and western society has to face several “society potholes”. Every moment an independent woman is questioned why you are not marrying, what is the relevance of being on own.

The video at the end puts a beautiful message “Share Bhakti’s story and inspire every woman to ask why”. Raising voice against the odds of society is not an easy thing. There are very few ads which could leave such good impression. This really can be held one of those Youtube ads which will play as a working model for people in the advertisement industry. The video really proves ads are not that annoying as we think.