VP Naidu pays tribute to Banarsi Das who fearlessly fought for people’s right

NewsBharati    19-Dec-2017
Total Views | 17
New Delhi, December 19: The Vice President of India M. Venkaiah Naidu inaugurated the Commemorative Postage Stamp on the occasion of the Birth Centenary Celebration of freedom fighter and parliamentarian Banarsi Das Gupta on 18th December. It was organized by the Banarsi Das Gupta Foundation. The Union Minister for Women and Development minister Menaka Sanjay Gandhi and other dignitaries were also present at this occasion.

While addressing the occasion, he added that there are certain things required like 4 C’s: Caliber, Character, Capacity and Conduct by the Politician. We need 4 P’s: Philosophy, Principles, Policies and Performance in politics and avoid 3 C’s: Community, Caste and Cash in politics. He further added that Banrsi Das Gupta launched agitation for the formation of a responsible Government in Jind State. Banarsi Das Gupta was an important person in paving its path in the Indian Union. He also fought for the rights of the people’s right and was a crusader against child marriage, dowry, untouchability and various also helped the Dalit’s to enter the temples and public wells. To spread public awareness against social evils he used the reach of media as the editor of Hindi Weekly ‘Apna Desh’ and ‘Haryana Kesri’.

Banarsi Das Gupta’s association with the Parliament began in April, 1996 when he was elected as the Member of Rajya Sabha. His popularity in Haryana made him the Chief Minister of the State twice and thrice in the Haryana Legislative Assembly. He also occupied the position of a Speaker in the Assembly. He also served as the Member of Parliament Committees and continued to articulate the concerns of the people of Haryana State in the assembly.