Getting rid of Jaichands: Shoot at sight to neutralize termites in your home

NewsBharati    30-Jul-2024 11:13:25 AM   
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‘There are still people in my party who believe in consensus politics. I regard them as Quislings, as traitors... I mean it.’- Margaret Thatcher

The world is in transition and so is India. We have had enemy within for far too long and God alone knows why the nation of 1.5 billion people have tolerated them and also let them thrive and proliferate.


History is replete of traitors, backstabbers, ‘gaddars’ and ‘dagabazz’ type of people who for their own selfish interest can let down their friends, their bosses, subordinates or even their blood brothers or parents- such is the level of deceit and treachery in them. They eat the system from within. They are a dangerous breed which can sell their nation and national interest means little to them.

In modern independent India they have multiplied like rabbits. Nature teaches us a lot and one can learn from mother nature to understand the problem- any human problem, behaviour- and look for solutions.
Rabbits are cute and innocent and easy to trap. A better metaphor to give an analogy would be that of ‘termite’ in Hindi it is called ‘deemak’.

For an Indian ‘deemak’ sounds more creepy, and intense than termite syntaxically speaking. Though both mean same.

There is no mild way to say this – there is no permanent cure for the termite situation. But with the right termite control treatment you can get rid of an active termite infestation in your home and later employ some preventive measures to keep them away from your property. ’Inko khatam karna mushkil he nahin, namumkin hai’.

Anybody who learns that termite has entered his home is sh*t scared and he loses his sleep. Because by God they are difficult to eliminate. They grow very fast once the termites find a place to build their colony, the sole purpose of the queen termite is to grow the colony. The queen termite lays eggs at a crazy rate of about 30,000 per day!
No matter how many termites you kill, their colony has millions more. Unless you find the termite colony, it will be impossible to stop the termite damage on your property.If You Kill a Queen, They choose a new Queen and their scientific name is Isoptera may rhyme with ‘Cleopatra’. Therefore, these jaichands are like termite Isoptera.They multiply but not that rapidly. They are intelligent clannish and do have a recruitment process- they groom full grown Jaichands and have a king or a queen who feeds them with money which they love.

‘I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery.’

Jaichands and their Jamuriyat

Modern day Jaychands are as dangerous as termites but thankfully they do not multiply as fast and they destroy because they want to destroy whereas termites destroy as they eat the stuff to survive. Yet Jaichands are everywhere, every branch of government machinery, every educational institute, media or judicury/ legiselature. They are now in your kitchen, windows, doors, bed rooms or your garage- no place is safe.

Jaichands get fed by their handlers who give them tool kits to wreak havoc. And Jaichands love it!

Termites cannot tolerate sunlight and thus carry mud tubes to have moisture at hand. Jaichands are bold but not beautiful yet they love lime light. They use You tube not mud tubes to create chaos and are spread all over. They are within our society. Termites hide in cracks and dirty holes, even libraries and books, but Jaichands hide behind ‘samvidhan’ or democracy redefined in our sacred constitution again a book. What a great place to hide- and always throw this book and exclaim ‘azaadi and freedom of speech’.

Their ‘fitrat’ is to impede progress-and they can’t tolerate progress. You want to build a dam, they will do ‘dharna’, you want to build a highway, they are uneasy, a factory, they protest, any policy/bill the government wants to bring they vandalize and burn public property. An innocent citizen is haplessly asking ‘ bhai karna kya chahte ho’?
Termites are blind, they communicate through vibrations. Jaichands communicate in a well-oiled network and are blinded by greed, money and self-generated poison within. They generate venom and get energy out of this. Nature creates a balance and termites have enemies too. Roundworms,ants,scorpions, cockroaches, centipedes and spiders love eating them.

Flash mobs

Swarming is the most visible sign of termite behavior around homes. Termites swarm in order to mate and start new colonies. Subterranean termite colonies can produce thousands of swarmers- proliferation galore.

Jaichands collect would be jaichands or even some silly fence sitters- jaichands can incite others very quickly and use technology to create flash mobs to do a major protest/road block.

Termites are very cryptic and do not come out into open but our Jaichands love to show off. They are easily identifiable on TV, processions, college campuses and protests- they are the leaders!

Why are the Jaichands so brave?

The answer is ‘because you let them have their way’. Aam janta is too meek and harmless like mockingbird
In a novel by Harper Lee ‘To kill a mockingbird’ it is stated that these birds just sing songs and never harm others and it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Mockingbird is pitted against termites.

People are Mockingbirds and their nests are infested now by Jaichands- you need to call out the termite and these jaichands and mockingbirds need to become hawks and pounce on these jaichands. Stop them in their tracks,give a shut up call there and then. Troll them, name and shame them- publically. No need to be polite anymore. That is the anti-termite treatment they need.Gloves should be off- enough is enough. You need to catch the culprit by the collar and put him on a leash.

Fortunately, Mockingbirds far outnumber Jaichands who have no character or a spine- they will run away with tails tucked in between their legs- they are no lions but are hyenas who can’t put up a decent fight.
Mockingbirds are innocent and harmless but time to turn the tide is now and we have no time to waste. Remember Scorpios eat termites- birds must become Scorpions.

“I know we’re termites. But if all the termites got together, the house would fall down.” — Florynce Kennedy

Virender Kapoor

A thinker, educationist and an inspirational guru. Kapoor is an Indian who wears many hats. An educationist of repute, he was the Director of a prestigious management Institute under the Symbiosis umbrella. He has emerged as a leading think tank in human behavior, motivation and success. As a celebrity author, his name appears with the likes of Thomas Friedman and Dale Carnegie. He has authored more than 30 books as of now which are on Amazon worldwide and several of his books are in the pipeline.