' Women Against Social Evil ' group from Arunachal Pradesh has many challenges to face. They basically want to prevent drugs reaching young boys and girls,of course Jaya Ji admitted that the government administration too supports them in irradicating the drug addiction. One of the substantial challenges is de- addiction. Some centres are run by government no doubt,but preparing the mind-set of addicts to go to the centre is a tough task. The WASE mothers try to convince addicts that the de-addiction centres would help them to come out of addiction,but at present the facility falls short of helping all. There are private centres too,but all cannot afford to pay the expenses. Of course government too is working in this direction,by increasing the seats or providing better facilities and infrastructure and employing more trained people to work effectively.

Without finding ways to rehabilitate the drug addicts,the work would be half-done. So WASE mothers are thinking seriously in this direction.
Jaya Ji's observation is ,where the religious practices are followed seriously,it helps in keeping children away from addiction. So she feels religious assemblies or prayers where many people join or perform religious rites too help in keeping a few things away. Their suggestion is that prayers should be a part of school education and yoga should also be included, it would help keeping mind calm. The life values and some social skills like interacting effectively with the people around, paying respect to people, helping eachother instead of competing all the time should also be taught.
Many people of Arunachal Pradesh belong to Donyi Polo ( the meaning is Sun and Moon ,approximately 26% follow this tradition,a group of tribes follow it ),it is an indigenous faith. They have a deep connection with nature,they respect nature and nurture environment. They believe that natural elements like rivers or trees are the devine manifestations,they lead a virtuous life,they have a set of moral values. Jaya Ji and many other mothers are followers of this faith. With such background,it is painful to see children tricked into consuming drugs.
The point of religious conventions or traditions are found to be one of the strong pulls which are effective means in keeping the followers away from addiction. One experienced councellor helped analysing this phenomenon. She observed that basically there are many God fearing persons,and when a particular tradition has a religious tinge,it becomes in a way binding. Many feel that it is a promise made to God,it has to be kept. The religious groups follow certain values or set of behavioral patterns,all the members follow them unconditionally. It is a self imposed discipline,most of the time they believe some devine energy helps them to keep away from all the evils.
Sometimes making one's resolution public too helps, people around also help in making it successful. It, in a way is a self imposed pressure to follow the resolution made. It is self motivation,some have strong faith inGod and they sincerely feel,He would help them to steer through all the temptations.
Some rituals too work very positively. Keeping fast on some occasions like Nav Raatri, ( fasting for nine days,some don't wear footwears during these days,they go to work, follow their normal routine but remain barefooted ). It seems to be a great self controlling mechanism.
Her observation is,as far as the Neo middle class is concerned, parents keep busy with their work. Many children experience loneliness,of course parents are also most of the times aware of the fact,but some try to compensate with the materialistic things. They try to fulfill their demands,they make efforts to be friendly,but somewhere this goes in the wrong direction. Children are allowed to be present when parents indulge into alcoholic drinks,this sometimes blunts their response to addictions like alcohol,it does not give them the impression that one has to keep away from this.
Adolescents bow down to the peer pressure to the great extent. Without friends ,sometimes there is no social validation,it becomes essential to get sanction. The virtual world too works on ' likes ', without it one feels one is not worth anything. This is to be dealt with very carefully.
She finds religious rituals need not be totally discarded,they do have great social impact. This self controlling mechanism helps to break monotony,it is a family bonding time. Rituals are stress busters also,it provides time to interact with many,in a way many things are learnt indirectly. If old traditions are discarded, finding a meaningful substitute is also essential . In some or the other way some self controlling mechanism like almost all the religions have, is to be made available before discarding one set of traditions.
A teacher who worked with a renowned institution for more than three decades suggested that giving space to children is essential,but it should not be absolute freedom where there would not be any interaction between the children and parents. ( Parents' control is probably an old fashioned expression, but she used it ) Children need to be taught to say ' No 'to the things that are undoubtedly hazardous. Purusharth ( an Indian term used by her which gives four goals of life ) implies courage to say 'No ', if something is absolutely wrong. Getting influenced by wrong models is not being cool, staying strong and saying No to addiction is the real meaning of cool.
One of her suggestions is,a documentary film depicting the horrible consequences of drug or any kind of addictions can be used to make students aware. Even theatres can screen them before any movie,this convention is to be revived if not in place.