Wokeism and Christianity | Wokeism#19

Wokeism, on the other hand is also a compilation of various ideas and theories based on race, gender, sexuality etc.

NewsBharati    08-Jun-2023 13:37:08 PM   
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Some 2023 years ago, after the birth of Jesus Christ, the most famous Jew in the world, his disciples became “Woke” after they separated themselves from the Jews and started propagating his teachings. These people started calling themselves as Christians. Over the years Christianity spread across the globe and currently, it is the world’s largest religion. All the Christians have to adhere themselves to the Bible, containing the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible, also known as Tanakh) and the New Testament (contains the deeds of Jesus and the compilation of events in the Christian world during the first century).

Wokeism 19 
Wokeism, on the other hand is also a compilation of various ideas and theories based on race, gender, sexuality etc. But all the theories are based on Marxism, created by Karl Marx, the second most famous Jew in the world. What separates Wokeism from Christianity is the total lack of religion in woke ideologies. Wokeism rejects religion (majorly Christianity, as it is the state religion of many European countries and largest in the America). Over the years, with the spread of ideologies based on race and gender, large numbers of people have started moving away from the Church.
According to a research by Pew Research Center, more and more American youth are leaving Christianity and are becoming religiously unaffiliated i.e. not being followers of any religion. Perhaps this is the reason why even Churches have started subscribing (compulsorily succumbing) to the Queer Theory by saying that their god may be gender-neutral. But there are some of the striking similarities between Wokeism and Christianity. Let us see a few of the similarities between the established religion of Christianity and Wokeism, which is slowly establishing itself as the ‘new religion’:
  1. Christianity believes that every person is a born sinner. Similarly Wokeism believes that every White person (every Brahmin in India) is a born racist and an oppressor.
  2. The Bible is the only book that is true and cannot be questioned. Similarly, Wokeism believes Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, Intersectionality to be the only truths. One is forbidden to raise questions/doubts against these theories.
  3. Christianity believes that any evidence which contradicts the Bible is work of the devil. Famous astronomer Galileo had to face death threats from the Church because his scientific discoveries contradicted what was written in the Bible. These days anything factual and contradictory evidence against the Woke theories is being cancelled and labelled as racist/homophobic/transphobic etc.
  4. Christianity has always rejected free speech. Those who went against the religion are branded as heretics (evil). Wokeism also restricts free speech. Anything spoken against Wokeism is not tolerated. The meaning of free speech in the woke world is simple. You are free to speak only what I believe to be true. Otherwise you are a racist, transphobic, inhuman, etc.
  5. In Christianity, if you confess your sins, you are saved and pardoned. In the Woke world, you have ‘take the knee’ for Black Lives Matter (BLM) even though you have not discriminated against any person in your life. Taking the knee is equal to the confession and unconditionally submitting to what the Wokes say. In India, the Brahmins have to live under constant guilt of being casteist even though you or even your ancestors have not discriminated against anyone on the basis of caste. Any Brahmin who challenges what Dr. Ambedkar has written or said is branded as casteist.
Karl Marx termed religion as the opium of the masses. But the pioneers and the torch bearers of Cultural Marxism and it’s various off-shoots have developed this new religion or in Marx’s words, ‘opium’ and are high on this opium.

Devesh V. Bagul

Devesh V Bagul is a graduate and works for a private limited company. He is interested in religion, national security, cultural, and social issues.