Silence of the Vocal | Wokeism#15

We have already discussed how biological males have entered the women’s sports categories to win various accolades by defeating the opposite gender.

NewsBharati    20-Apr-2023 16:45:11 PM   
Total Views | 565
On April 12th, 2023, Honey Birdette, an Australian lingerie company posted a photo of a biological male identifying himself as female, wearing the said brand’s undergarment. The said brand posted this photo to foster “an inclusive and diverse environment” and “support to the LGBTQ+ community”. Rachel Levine, a biological male who now identifies to be female, was commissioned as a four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, becoming the first openly transgender four-star officer in any of the United States uniformed services. Last year he was awarded the ‘Woman of the Year award by USA Today, a newspaper and news broadcasting company. This year they awarded another biological male posing as a woman named Leigh Finke, a politician.

Wokeism 15 
We have already discussed how biological males have entered the women’s sports categories to win various accolades by defeating the opposite gender. Swimming champion Lia Thomas is one such example of a male participating in the female category and winning a gold medal, also making females uncomfortable in the changing rooms because he has not undergone sex change surgery. Recently, famous brands Nike and Budweiser came out with their ads for apparel and beer by roping in a biological male identifying as a woman named Dylan Mulvaney for their ads. The apparel commercial showed Dylan wearing a sports bra and the beer company promoted their drink using Dylan.
This is not ‘the’ news. The real news never came out because, none of the feminist organizations, social media portals, or feminist magazines have vocally opposed this male entry not only in private clothing but also in public activities, sports and award specifically meant for women. With the advent of the Queer movement, Intersectionality movement, the original feminist movement has been thrown somewhere in the corner. The First Wave Feminism which began in the US in the mid-1800s focused and voiced its opinion on equal rights of education, right to vote, inheritance rights, etc. This era saw women daringly raising their voices for equal rights despite the not-so-open atmosphere for women to come out and become vocal about their issues. The Second Wave Feminism which began in the 1960s focused on sexual freedom to women, open condemnation of violence against women, etc. In the 1980s and 90s, the Third Wave Feminism was for the equal pay, individualism etc. The third wave had the influence of punk sub-culture which had become as some sort of a fashion in the US.
Everything was fine until the early 2000s. But when the Queer Theory and Intersectionality (both discussed separately in our previous article) started gaining ground and acceptance as the correct form of Cultural Marxism in the elite circles of the US, the feminism movement was sidelined. The real threat to feminism became visible when the elites of the US started accepting the unscientific thing of transgenderism which included a validation to any biological male identifying himself to be a female based on ‘lived experiences’. Males now have a license to encroach any category of women by simply saying, “From today, I am a woman”.
The radical feminist movement, now centered only on men, have become a laughing stock. Their famous jargons of “toxic men”, “toxic masculinity”, “Patriarchy” (Brahminical Patriarchy in India) have become useless because here are biological males entering into everything meant specifically for biological women – from public toilets to tampons to lingerie to sports to politics etc. These feminists don’t have any other option to quietly accept these lunacies to stay relevant. It has become a compulsion to accept a man wearing a bra as beautiful, in order to stay relevant. Interestingly, the concept of gender pay gap may get over if a male earning more starts identifying himself as a woman. What will these feminists do then? Who will blame all men for earning more if those very men start identifying themselves as females? To avoid all these, most of the feminist organizations have succumbed to the above lunacies for earning donations and staying relevant. The Queer Theory and gender issues have made the vocals totally silent. May God (gender neutral?) save feminism!

Devesh V. Bagul

Devesh V Bagul is a graduate and works for a private limited company. He is interested in religion, national security, cultural, and social issues.