Every Indian, especially us Faujis, will remember General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan who reached omnipresent Allah on 05 February 2023, He is known as The Architect of the Kargil War, Incidently;he was a Military Leader, who propagated and almost achieved, Indo Pak Peace. with the same amount of belief, His Failed Summit Meeting with PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Agra was the highlight of this effort.
Pervez Musharraf was born on 11 August 1943 in Delhi, moved to Pakistan on Partition,joined Pakistan Military Academy in 1961 and Pakistan Army in 1964. He graduated from the Army Command and Staff College,Quetta and the Royal College of Defence Studies in London. He participated in the Indo-Pak War of 1965 as a Second Lieutenant and as per him, was saved from a lot of perilous situations. Shortly after the end of the 1965 War, he joined the elite Special Service Group (SSG) and served in that outfit from 1966 to 1982, He participated in Second Indo-Pak War of 1971 as a Company Commander of an SSG Commando Battalion in West Pakistan. It was then, when probably
his SSG Company infiltrated the rear of the Poonch Brigade on night of 13/14 December 1971. That was the time when self with a Team of Special Frontier Force had gone to Mandhol,five kilometres inside Pak to destroy their Gun Position under the aegis of 9 Para Commando Company.

Musharraf describes the 1965 and 71 wars with India as “Important Events” of his life, He was “Emotionally Hurt” when he heard the disgusting news of Pak Army surrender. Over 93,000 Pak Troops, led by General AAK Niazi, surrendered to Indian Army in East Pakistan.These Troops were later released following the Simla Agreement between Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.Parwez Musharrf was so deeply hurt that he vowed to take Revenge,at any cost. As the time flew,he tried it in Siachen in 1984 and 1987 but failed due to correct appreciation of Indian Army.
He grabbed the opportunity after becoming Pak Army Chief.From March to May 1999, he ordered Infiltration of Five Northern Light Infantry Batallion with Aim to Capture Strategic Posts on Indian side of LoC in Kargil with the help of Baloch and Local Insurgents.
These Troops, disguised as Kashmiri Militants, had infiltrated into Strategic Positions on High Hills and consolidated in coming Three Months. Then he played a Master Stroke to wash his hands off this adventure.Musharraf, along with his ISI Chief went to China when a Indian Petrol of Jat Regiment under Captain Saurabh Kalia was caught by his Troops and Indian Army discovered Pak Infiltration.Thus he could claim that this was job of locals and he or Pak Army has nothing to do with it.
On discovering the infiltration on, Indian Army launched “Operation Vijay” to reclaim the posts from Pak Troops, A full-scale war erupted from May to July 1999. During its initial stages, Pakistan blamed the fighting entirely on Kashmiri Insurgents, but documents left behind by casualties and later statements by Pak Prime Minister and Joint Chief of Staff showed involvement of Pak Army/Paramilitary Forces.As such,Musharraf played the role of a key strategist during this War.Indian Army and Air Force recaptured a majority of lost positions. Due to International Diplomatic Pressure/Opposition,Nawaz Sharif was forced to order a Pull Out of the Pak Army from Kargil Heights which was Main Cause of Wrath of The General. After the Pull Out; Musharraf had severe confrontations and altercations with Chief of Naval Staff, Chief of Air Staff and.Admiral Bokhari and Air Chief Pervaiz Qureshi demanded a Full Fledged Joint/Inter Service Court Martial against General Musharraf. On the other hand, Chief of Joint Staff Committee,Liutenant General Kuli Khan lambasted this war as
“A disaster bigger than the East Pakistan Tragedy due to a Flawed Plan in terms of its Conception, Tactical Planning and Execution that ended in Sacrificing so many Soldiers”.On 12 October, 1999, Nawaz Sharif dismissed Musharraf as Army Chief while latter’s plane returning from Sri Lanka was about to land in Pakistan. On orders of Gen Parvez Musharraf,his cronies staged a Bloodless Coup taking control of Airport and Radio Station. An angry Army Chief immediately took over as Chief Executive of Pakistan, deposed the PM and appointed himself as the President in 2001,a post which he vacated in 2008.His decade long rule was marred by a Heavy Handed Approach to dissent, Arrest of important rivals like then Prime Minister and imposing Six Week long State of Emergency in which he Suspended Prevailing Constitution and Censored Pak Media.Gen Musharraf failed to Build On his early popularity and became a captive of Military Power and Vested Interests.He was keen for Pakistan to Embrace Liberal Islam, an approach that increased his appeal in the West following 9/11 attack.
He joined
“American War on Terror" and gave American Forces, Ground and Air access into Afghanistan.After New York Twin Tower attacks on 11 September,2001; Musharraf allied with America and supported her Military Campaign to oust the Taliban Regime in Afghanistan as it sheltered its main mastermind, al Qaeda Chief Osama bin Laden.This decision contradicted Pakistan's Long Standing Support to Afgan Taliban and made Musharraf a target of Domestic Militant Groups. He survived at least four assassination attempts of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan, formed after Musharraf's crackdown on extremists.He successfully lobbied American Administration to pour money into Military of his Nuclear Armed Nation.The State of Emergency in 2007 was to Quell Protests triggered by a clampdown on Judiciary and Media.
He,as a President, went to Bangla Desh brandishing an “Olive Branch”.He was Fourth Pak President to visit Bangla Desh after 1971. On his visit to Bangla Desh on 29 July 2002 he documented in Visiters Book at War Memorial, in Dhaka;” I bring sincere greetings and good wishes from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for their Bangladeshi brethren and sisters. We wish this Land and its People to have; Peace, Progress and Prosperity. Your brothers and sisters in Pakistan share the pain of the events of 1971. The excesses during that unfortunate period are regrettable. Let us bury the past in a spirit of magnanimity”.After his visit, Bangla Desh reconciled migrated to Islamic Fold and became a headache to India, in that, infiltrating Jehadis in India via Assam/West Bengal/Nepal. He was a great Orator, Smooth Gullible Talker and Negotiator, as was again proved. As a President, Musharraf formed “The all Pakistan Muslim League Party” to contest Senet Elections. He and his Party lost the vote, held months later in 2008. Daunted by vendetta action, he fled/left Pakistan. Musharraf returned to Pakistan in 2013 again to run for Senet but was immediately disqualified and left for Dubai. In 2014, he was
“Sentenced to Death in Absentia'' for declaring State of Emergency. Three years later,the verdict was overturned.
A brilliant Military Officer, Musharraf rose to the Pinnacle of Power without imposing Martial Law. But as a Ruler of Pakistan, he utterly failed on Diplomatic Front with India and Afghanistan. Musharraf shared a unique but troubled relationship with India; from being the Most Ardent Enemy of India to becoming a Trusted Negotiator during the reigns of Prime Ministers Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh. When in power,he engaged with India on many occasions, including the Kashmir issue. Still, he will always be known as the Architect of the Kargil War while he broke Terms that were agreed upon during the Lahore Declaration.
“Adventurism Streak” in Musharraf was in Ample Evidence in years to come; in his October 1999 Coup, Iron Fisted Rule with scant regard for Constitutional Norms and Kargil. A Commando by Training/Profession, he pursued and “Held on to Power Audaciously”.It was his planning and execution of the Kargil War against the Judgement of Military Officers that preceded him, initially not in knowledge of/known to Elected Leaders of the time. Kargil War permanently altered Pakistan.
As an Individual I hate, Despise and Admire Gen Parvez Musharraf, all at the same time. Hate because he was responsible for the death of my numerous Brave Colleagues in Kargil. Despise because of his “smooth as butter way” of Handling Situation Auditiously and Befool Leaders the Globe Over. Finally Admire him because of His Acumen in Formulating Out of Box Strategies and Tactics, Correct Reading of War/People and Bold Actions. He handled Political Leaders in India to Lure them before, during and after Kargil. Wish I could have met him sometime during the 71 War. My only regret is, I missed him during our Raid on Gun Position at Mandhol.