In the recent update about how the 'Israel-Palestine war' is being reported, hypocrisy of Irena Akbar has been exposed. Everyone is aware about the recent spine chilling video of Shani Louk, a German citizen, who was tortured to death in Israel by Palestinian terrorists. In continuation to the same, a so-called 'aspiring teacher', as she claims to be in her 'X'(formerly known as Twitter) bio and former journalist, Irena Akbar has posted an essay on Islamic etiquettes and philosophy about women.

After netizens shared their rage over the torture that happened with Shani Louk, Irena Akbar who claims to be an aspiring teacher and is a former journalist, has shared her views in a confusing post, where she although condemns the act but also justifies Shani Louk's tortured killing, indirectly stating that the woman's social presence called for such act. Her post starts with the thought that, "The woman, whose body was being taken in a pick-up truck, has been identified as Shani Louk, a German-Israeli dual citizen who was reportedly attending a music festival." She states, "First, this is NOT an etiquette of war in Islam to attack women, and hence this is condemnable."
Irena goes on exhibiting her hypocrisy proudly by further mentioning in her post that, "Second, the woman is not fully naked, as parts of her upper & lower body are covered. If you check the Instagram account of Shani Louk (shanukkk), you would see pictures she posted of herself wearing bikins or other skin-exposing outfits. It could be possible that when she was killed, she was wearing a bikini or other skin-exposing garment." The hypocrite still tries to play it clean and after providing all the explanation to the heinous acts of Palestinian terrorists, she continues to state that "I am writing this with DUE RESPECT TO HER, and I DON’T mean to demean her, or justify what happened to her. I am being factual here, based on evidence from her own Instagram account where she would post pictures of herself in such clothes."
It doesn't end here. She continues sharing that "So, it cannot be ruled out that Shani (with all due respect to her) was wearing a bikini or other similar garment when she was killed or captured. And hence, it is possible that she was NOT stripped by the Hamas militants. However, as Islam prescribes modesty for women and men, and respect for the dead, the militants should have covered her body with a cloth or sheet, and treated it respectfully, or not attack her at all."
This woman has lost herself so much on her 'blind-following' for Islam, that she has absolutely lost sense of the situation. Does it even feel that her words describe an incident of torture to a dead woman who was 'officially' held hostage during a 'declared war'? Her post shouts out to the world how she has failed to understand the magnitude of the situation in Israel. The fact that the woman has earlier worked as a journalist with such inconsiderate social and human conscience is beyond my understanding.
But you keep scrolling through her profile, and you realize what group of journalists, Irena belongs to. Irena Akbar was working with 'The Indian Express', before she thankfully bid farewell to her career in journalism. More significantly, Sonam Mahajan, who is a political observer has shared through another post on 'X', Irena's close friendship with journalist Rana Ayyub, who is renowned among the leftist-liberals as an intellectual and infamous among the rest as a 'Hypocrite'. Nevertheless, it has been rightly said, "Birds with the same feathers flock together."