Leadership With The Purpose

There was a lady , who just came in and started entertaining the patients and helping out the staff in distributing the medicines as per the prescription.

NewsBharati    27-Jul-2022 10:41:40 AM   
Total Views | 152
Yesterday, I had a chance to go to Command Hospital in Pune, to the orthopaedic specialist, to be specific.
After availing his consultation, we went to collect the medicines. There was a long que.
I was just pondering about my next move , suddenly I saw that que was getting shorter , quickly .
There was a lady , who just came in and started entertaining the patients and helping out the staff in distributing the medicines as per the prescription.
She certainly was not a regular employee at that counter and there was a spring and energy in her entire approach.
" Madam, are you a volunteer?"
" No, I am working in this hospital."
" But , you are not regular on this counter." I persisted.
" I am a civilian doctor working in this hospital , on Tuesday and Friday , there is lot of rush on this counter because it is OPD day for ex-servicemen , so I have adjusted my schedule in such a way that I give some time for distribution of medicines ."
" Doctor, can I have your photo so as to write a post for my blog "
She gave a big smile but said - NO, then I will lose my purpose.
Me and my wife , we were awestruck . In this world, where everybody is looking for credit for the things which they do not do, here is someone who in trying to contribute in her own way and achieving the purpose of his life.
My salute to Dr Banerjee....We are lucky to have people like her.
May we have more of her tribe!
#allthingsbrightandbeutiful #lifeisgood

Col. Virendra Kumar

Col. Virendra Kumar is a professional trainer, motivator, speaker and executive coach with management qualifications from IIM Banglore and SIMS. He has always worked and opted for diversified fields. In his professional life, he has lead people by taking them along , leading them against the tide , ensuring their development and providing authentic leadership.
His area of expertise and motivational talks involves organisation behavior, leadership , emotional intelligence , diversity and transformation of individuals and organisation. He has a good understanding of human behavior and its dynamics.