Ripples A Reflection On Dattopant Thengadi's Third Way - Part 34

Dattopant cites the example of "Gohatya Nirodh".

NewsBharati    31-May-2022 10:35:38 AM
Total Views | 62
I have been reflecting in my own way on Dattopant Thengadi Ji's Third Way. I present these small "ripples" that it has caused in my mind in a series. I am glad it has found its resonance in many thinking minds alike. I hope the readers have read the earlier article in the series before moving ahead.

Also Read:  Ripples A Reflection On Dattopant Thengadi's Third Way - Part 33

Gandhi Ji in 'Hind Swaraj' noted that the system of democracy 'can't work without the outside pressure'. The people who run the system ( political leaders who run the government) keep changing. (Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule is a book written by Gandhi ji in 1909. He expressed his views on Swaraj, modern civilization, mechanisation etc.The book was banned in 1910 by the British government in India as a seditious text.)

All are aware that Democracy is a way of life where the focus is on the individual,the state is treated to be an instrument, a lot of voluntary initiatives are expected. There is a lot of space for discussion and consent in a democratic system. No rule is perpetual and human relations are viewed from the equality point of views.

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar introduced the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for which he refered to the teachings of Buddha,his Guru. ( Not referring to french revolution) He viewed democracy as ' a method of government whereby revolutionary changes in economic and social life of people are brought about without bloodshed'.

Society is not a static phenomenon, it keeps changing. Communication and sharing of ideas is supposed to be a continuous process. Democracy, Dattopant describes is based on four premises.

1) Individual is an end in itself, not a means.

2) The individual has non-negotiable rights they ought be guaranteed by the Constitution.

3) They are not to be given up or surrendered to receive any privilege.

4) No power shall be given to 'private persons' to govern others.

Democracy as a form of government will be of hardly any value if it is not supported by social democracy. We need right attitude and respect and equality towards fellow beings. Every one should have quality life and culture to develop well.

It is essential to remember that laws come into existence to make life happy. Human beings are not for laws. And there should be sufficient education of laws which would appeal mind and spirit of society. They should not be enforced by punishment alone.

The concept of democracy changed with time often. If we look at history of Greece and England, the process of changing connotation can be observed clearly. Dattopant noted that even the purpose of democracy too changed. Now the focus is on the welfare of people.

In a way the concept of democracy is defined and explained in a number of ways by many. It is essential to study history to be able to grasp the graph of change.

City states of Greece ( Sparta and Athens) and to an extent Lichchhavi janapada in India are a few examples where direct democracy could function. Every individual citizen could participate in the process of decision making, all gathered at the market place, discussed the issue and vote was by show of hands.

The issues are very complex now, and neither are the places available for all to gather and discuss the issue to reach some conclusion.

Now many nations have a representative form of government. Representatives are elected but this doesn't guarantee that will and wishes of the people are put forth. And many issues faced by the society or country come up for discussion when the representatives hardly reach out to constituents for their opinion. For effective participation it is essential.

But the role of political parties gain importance, many a times the representatives work against the directives of the majority of people. Dattopant cites the example of 'Gohatya Nirodh'.

Some systems are to be introduced to help representative form of government work effectively and reflect the will of the people. Some instruments like right to recall, Plebiscite,or Referendum are available, some others can be thought of.

The space between these two is to be abridged. The role of political parties usually works as an obstacle especially where electorate is not sufficiently educated.
Robespierre( a leading figure after the French revolution, an outspoken radical Democrat in favour of individual rights) warned 'if all elected representatives so choose, they can come together and conspire against the people who elected them.' Dattopant reminds us that this is what happened during emergency in our country. He cites the example of Hitler too who came to power using election.