Stubble burning has turned Delhi into a gas chamber: Delhi LG

LG Vinai Kumar Saxena also said that he has talked with Delhi’s chief minister Arvind Kejriwal in this regard and that he had called Punjab’s chief minister Bhagwant Mann also discuss the matter, but he could not attend the call because of some meetings scheduled. As the Punjab CM didn’t call back the LG the whole day, he was forced to write the letter, Saxena said.

NewsBharati    04-Nov-2022 15:29:38 PM
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New Delhi, Nov 04: On 3rd November 2022, Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena wrote a letter to Punjab’s chief minister Bhagwant Mann asking him to take urgent and substantive measures to control stubble burning in Punjab that is causing massive air pollution in the national capital. It is notable that thousands of acres of farmland in Punjab are set on fire to burn the stubble and the smoke directly contributes to the air pollution in Delhi. The air quality index in Delhi is already degraded from ‘very poor’ to ‘severe’, with an average AQI exceeding 500. People in Delhi are facing various health hazards because of this pollution.

Stubble Buring 
LG Vinai Kumar Saxena also said that he has talked with Delhi’s chief minister Arvind Kejriwal in this regard and that he had called Punjab’s chief minister Bhagwant Mann also discuss the matter, but he could not attend the call because of some meetings scheduled. As the Punjab CM didn’t call back the LG the whole day, he was forced to write the letter, Saxena said.
LG Vinai Kumar Saxena said in his letter that stubble burning has converted the national capital into a gas chamber. He said in his letter, “It is with a sense of deep anguish that, I wish to draw your attention towards the pain and suffering that the people of Delhi are experiencing for no fault of theirs, and request you to undertake urgent and substantive measures to control Parali burning in Punjab, that has converted the National Capital once again into a gas chamber. It is public knowledge that Air Pollution in Delhi has reached extremely dangerous levels, hovering consistently in the ‘severe pls category due to smoke, 95% of which is originating from Parali burning in Punjab.”
LG Vinay Kumar Saxena further said in this letter, “I am constrained to draw your express attention towards the fact that contrary to expectations, incidents of Parali burning have increased by a whopping 19% in the period between October 24th, 2022 to November 02, 2022, as compared to the corresponding period in 2021. Authentic data on Parali burning presents an alarming picture. The figures for 2021 and 2022, for the same period, stand at 18066 and 21480 respectively. As on 02 November 2022, alone, out of the total 3825 cases of Parali burning in 06 States, i.e. Punjab, Haryana, UP, MP, and Rajasthan, Punjab singularly reported 3634 cases, while Delhi reported zero.”
LG VK Saxena also briefed the Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann about the respiratory diseases and skin problems faced by the people in Delhi as a result of this air pollution. He said, “OPD visits and hospitalizations related to pulmonary discomfort/disorders has reportedly witnessed a manifold increase, children and the elderly are disproportionately affected, and every common citizen is facing incessant burning of eyes, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, and labored breathing amongst other respiratory discomforts. Renowned Doctors and Hospitals of Delhi are consistently flagging the situation as hazardous and dangerous, and are asking for schools to be closed, apart from advising people to remain indoors, not to go for morning walks, and refrain from outdoor physical activities. Due to severe air pollution and consequent restrictions, even the socio-economic activities are badly impacted.”
LG Saxena said that this is a violation of the citizen’s fundamental right to health and the right to life. He also drew Bhagwant Mann’s attention to the fact that this annual phenomenon has been a cause of deep concern, at all levels in the government and judiciary, and over the years, several measures have been put in place for mitigating the same. Delhi’s LG also reminded Bhagwant Mann that the Government of NCTD has also gone out of the way to promote and publicize a bio-decomposer for use by farmers, vide extensive and large-scale advertisements in newspapers and television by spending crores of rupees. It is notable that in Delhi and Punjab there is an Aam Aadmi Party government while in Haryana, chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar is leading a BJP-led coalition government.
LG Vinai Kumar Saxena mentioned that Haryana’s contribution to air pollution by stubble burning is negligible. He said, “I, on behalf of Delhi and its residents, once again sincerely and earnestly urge you to galvanize all available resources and machinery to make the farmers become willing partners in defeating this repetitive menace and help the Capital – indeed the entire NCR, breathe.”