Russian Annexation of Ukraine Territory

Main aim of this annexation is to give a degree of legitimacy to Nuclear Threat given by Russia which were phoo phooed by Western Experts as mere hollow gesture. This was evident from the chilling vow, President Putin had taken "To protect the newly annexed regions by all available means.”

NewsBharati    07-Oct-2022 17:19:36 PM   
Total Views | 122
On Friday, 01, October,2022; Russian Vladimir Putin signed a Presidential Proclamation to declare four Ukrainian Territories as part of Russia in a grand ceremony at St George's Hall of Kremlin Palace. This has been widely denounced as "Illegal Annexation" by Western Countries/Media. President Putin congratulated People of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia for becoming permanent citizens of Russia. This is where in March,2014, he had declared that Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea was part of Russia. This Russian move to annex nearly 15 percent of Ukraine, comes at a time when she is fighting Ukraine Army with her back against the wall. This will,indeed, change the course of this Long Drawn War.
Russian Annexation of Ukraine Territory

This move by Russia has legitimised the Nuclear Threats being given by Russian President and given him an upper hand which has eluded him since the beginning of this invasion on 22 February, 2022. Obviously natural that, Ukrainians living in Captured and Annexed Region have serious apprehension about Russian intents since they fear that the worst is yet to come. Western Countries and Defence Analysts are seeking reasons as to why Russia has annexed four Ukrainian Regions and what will be its implications on ongoing War?

To my mind; main aim of this annexation is to give a degree of legitimacy to Nuclear Threat given by Russia which were phoo phooed by Western Experts as mere hollow gesture. This was evident from the chilling vow, President Putin had taken "To protect the newly annexed regions by all available means.” He reminded the World that,in1945, America had set a precedent when it dropped Two Atom Bombs on Japan to subjugate her.This has emphasised Russian intents/threats that ``Any attack on newly Annexed Regions would be construed as an attack on Russia"; thus giving her enough reasons to use any means available in her vast arsenal, including Nuclear Weapons. From the language and gestures of Russian President,it was clearly evident that his Nuclear Threat was not a bluff.

In end September,2022; Dmitry Medvedev, former President of Russia had clearly warned that Russia has "The right to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine if Kyiv threatens Russian Statehood; thus indicating full support of Russian People/Politicians/ Retired Faujis/Intelligentsia to the President.This has been supported by the satellite pictures of 02 October,22 that of a train carrying what looks like nuclear arsenal, probably Tactical Nuclear Weapons. This is a clear signal of the onset of a "New and Highly Dangerous Phase" of this War, that could " Escalate to the use of Nuclear Weapons for the first time since 1945". Ironically, when Russian President was proclaiming Annexation, Russian Forces in one of these regions were on the verge of getting encircled by Ukrainian Army.On next day, Ukrainian Army entered city of Lyman, claiming to have surrounded couple of thousands of Russian Soldiers, indicating loose/tenuous Russian grip over some of claimed Territories. Fierce battle is still raging in that area.

As per Western Media Reports supported by Pentagon, Ukraine has clawed back large chunk of her lost Territory which has triggered Russian Retreat.This,as per them, was mainly possible because of abundance of their Advanced Weaponary supplied/ given to Ukraine. If these Ukranian/ Western claims are true,then, answer to this Annexation is, probable Russian desire/efforts to curtain off partial failure of her "Special Military Operation" and divert Public/World attention from possibility of a Potentially Serious Military Reversal.This is possible only by raising the bogey/actual use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons.

It seems that, Ukraine is taking steps in Real Material World, while Russia seems to be indulging in building virtual reality.This is what differentiates a Victor from a Victim. This is clear from, "Victory will be Ours", proclamation of Russian President in front of a huge Russians Gathering on Moscow's Red Square to celebrate the Annexation. In addition,he had welcomed people from Annexed Areas declaring, "Russia, not only opens the doors of her home to these people, she opens her heart. Welcome home". A flag waving, visibly pleased crowd,chanted "Russia, Russia" indicating as to what extent Russians are dominated by "Theme of Victory".And a clear Victory is what had eluded Russia since 22 February,2022.

This was supposed to be a Swift War and grand Russian Victory of taming/subjugating Ukraine and making a Land Corridor to Cremia, which has some how been converted into a Long Drawn out Battle resulting in both countries exhausting their Manpower and Resources. Russia is facing stiff resistance from Ukrainian Army which is fired by "True Sense of Nationalism" and constant supply of abundant Western Arms/Weaponary. Left with no choice, Russia had to recalibrate her War Goals to focus on Eastern Ukrainian Region which was subjected to a referendum in end September,2022 by her. Russia,not achieving a Resounding Victory,is compelled to accept 15 percent of Ukrainian Territory. Whether Russia manages to hold on/out to Captured and Annexed Portion in face of anticipated, fierce Ukrainian Advance is Matter of Conjecture.

Ukraine is afraid due to anticipation of Russia mobilising young men in these occupied areas to fight against her.This has already happened in parts of Eastern Ukraine, particularly Crimea, which is under Russian control since 2014. Reports from people who have crossed over in early stages of Russian Invasion confirm this apprehension as Russian Authorities are preventing young men aged 18 to 35 to cross over to other states/countries.In response,Ukrainian Government has urged people in captured territories " To hide from mobilisation at any cost, by whatever means”. On the other hand; President Putin has ordered "Partial Mobilization of Reservists in Russia" in Third Week of September,2022 to raise more fighting strength required for a prolonged war in Ukraine. But; over 1,94,000 Russian Citizens have already fled to neighboring Georgia, Kazakhstan and Finland to escape forced drafting. Men under age 65 are registered as Reservists in Russia.

Russian claims of "Size of Annexed Territory'' not very big and of little consequences to Ukraine, are an eyewash. There is enough Land and Water Surface Area and plenty of Natural Resources to serve Russian citizens. She does not require additional Land,Water and Natural Resources. Only answer is; she wants a safe Land Corridor to Crimea for safeguarding her gas and oil supply to Europe, specially Germany and France. Also, she wants to put an iron grip over Ukrainian export of grains and minerals by denying her a free access to Ports and Sea.She wants full/total domination of Sea Routes to and out of Ukraine.This would serve purpose of having liberty to pull strings to financially throttle Ukraine.In addition,she will have control over deployment of NATO Forces/ Western Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine by her physical presence in Southern Ukraine. Russia has achieved her above aims by annexing Captured Territories of Ukraine.

Now that Russia has achieved her aim, tempo of this War would start subsiding/mellowing. Russia will consolidate her positions in Southern Ukraine. NATO will have a rethink of deployment in Ukraine.American and Western Arms Dealers have profited/filled their coffers to brims. Ukrainian President has become a World Hero,a great transformation from a comedian. Every body is happy and content. Only sufferers are common Ukrainian citizens and people residing in Southern Ukraine. World Economy has taken a downward plunge. Every currency in the world has nose dived except the Dollar. China is the Real/True Winner of this War as she has been able to gauge American and Western response to a naked aggression which would be handy while taking a final call for Taiwan,Hongkong,Macau and finally/probably Indian Ladakh.

As far as India is concerned; stature of our Prime Minister has skyrocketed as a "Powerful, Smooth Mediator".Even on Saturday,04 October,22,our PM had a word with Ukrainian President when he advised the President that "War is not the only solution to end this war.We have to find a peaceful solution.India is ready to help in anyway". Whole world is looking expectantly towards Shri Narendra Modi to find a bilaterally accepted solution to this conflict. As far us; under his leadership, Indian economy has proven its worth and tenacity.We are least affected country. On the other hand,we have been able to stock enough oil bought at concentional prices from Russia.

But the fact remains that this War could have been avoided and conflict peacefully resolved if World Political and Financial Leadership were not so corrupt. All Conflicts and Wars that engulfed the World since end of World War Two could have been avoided but for the Political Leadership/Masters. The World has to pay for their ambitions and Strategic Naivety. Ukrainian President has an ambition to join NATO. America and the West want to sell their weapons to Ukraine.Russia wants to restore her old glory. They are least bothered/have concern for Common Man/Citizen.This is a horrible truth that,since ages, has not been negated and neither will be in future.


Seva Sahayog Foundation Mumbai

Colonel Abhay Patwardhan (Retd)

Colonel Abhay Balkrishna Patwardhan (Retd) did his BA in Political Science, B Sc in Biology, M Sc and M Phil in Defence Studies, and MBA in Finance and HR. He got commission in the Special Frontier Force and Commanded 19 Jat Regiment. In his 36-year service with the Army, he handled the insurgency in Nagaland, Mizoram, Khalistan and Kashmir; participated in the 1971 Indo-Pak war; trained the Mukti Bahini, and participated in Operation Blue Star at the Golden Temple in Amritsar in 1984. He also served as member of the IPKF in Sri Lanka, Commanded a battalion in Tawang, and received Unit Citation for Outstanding Ops against the Chinese in 1990-92.

He served as Instructor in Defence Services College at Wellington; Director of Training at Hq DG, NCC, New Delhi as In charge of the Republic Day Parade and Student Foreign Exchange Program. He received two medals for valour. Besides, he authored a “Reference Book on Disaster Management” in 2001 under Ministry of Defence. The book was released by then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Defence Minister George Fernandez.

Col Patwardhan has authored six books in Marathi on Military aspects. He regularly writes in newspapers and magazines, gives lectures and presentations, participate in television debates on matters related to military, security and terrorism. He has been a visiting faculty in National Defence College and National Fire Service College on security and disaster management. He offers free guidance for entry to Defence Forces, Para Military forces, Police, and Service Selection Board interviews. So far 47 candidates have qualified as Officers and 14 as Personnel below the officer rank in defence forces and 39 in para-military forces and police. He is also member on various government bodies/organizations on various aspects of security and disaster management.