Mumbai, June 26: In yet another new development, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Saturday arrested former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh's personal assistant Kundan Shinde and personal secretary Sanjeev Palande in connection with the money laundering case. It should be noted this development came after the ED raided Deshmukh's residences in Nagpur and Mumbai. According to the ED, the raids were conducted at five places.
The senior NCP leader had quit his post after former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh wrote a letter to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray levelling allegations of corruption against him. Singh, who was unceremoniously removed as Mumbai's top cop in March amid multiple investigations linked to a security scare outside the home of Mukesh Ambani, claimed that Deshmukh used to ask police officers to collect money from restaurant and bar owners of Mumbai. In his letter, Singh had also mentioned that former assistant inspector Sachin Vaze and ACP Sanjay Patil were given a target to collect Rs 100 crore a month. Deshmukh had denied all allegations.
Also Read: Searches and seizures! ED raids Anil Deshmukh's Nagpur & Mumbai residence in money laundering case
Speaking to the media after the raids, Deshmukh on Friday said that former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh had made false allegations against him after he was removed from the post over his suspicious role. "Why did not he level allegations when he was still holding the post? You know Param Bir Singh made false allegations against me after he was removed from the post of Mumbai Police Commissioner because his role was very suspicious," Deshmukh said.
The ED on May 11 had registered a case of money laundering against Deshmukh. Earlier in April, the CBI had conducted raids at four premises of Deshmukh after registering an FIR against him in connection with the case. An FIR was filed based on Section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act (Public servant taking gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act) and criminal conspiracy (IPC 120 B).
Also Read: Finally probing all financial dealings, ED registers case against former MH Home Minister Anil Deshmukh
On the other hand, Waze was arrested in March in connection with the National Investigation Agency's (NIA) probe into the case of recovery of an explosives-laden SUV near Mukesh Ambani's house in Mumbai and the subsequent murder of Thane businessman Mansukh Hiran.