Online certificate course for introduction to Lokamanya Tilak’s Gitarahasya; Read more-

NewsBharati    21-Jun-2021
Total Views | 207
Mumbai, June 21: In a novel initiative by Vivek's Sanskriti Sanvardhan and Sanshodhan Pratishthan, a 15-hour online certificate course on 'Srimadbhagavatagitarahasya' or 'Textual Understanding of Gita-Rahasya' is being launched. A great opportunity for an introduction to Lokamanya Tilak’s Gitarahasya that will start from 26th June 2021. This course can not only get one acquainted with the Gitarahasya as a philosophy and treatise but can also help one lay a solid foundation for further studies.
A trailblazing treatise that testifies and introduces us to Lokmanya Tilak's spirited nationalism culminating in the Unity asserting Advaitic Metaphysics, rational thought and thorough socio-political outlook is 'Srimadbhagavatgitarahasya or Karmayogashastra'. While imprisoned in Mandalay in 1910-11, Tilak wrote this great treatise which is an outcome of his lasting reflections on Gita. And soon after his release from prison, the book 'Srimadbhagavatgitarahasya or Karmayogashastra' was published with certain editorial changes or revisions in his raw draft. The significance of this book and its thoughts is uniquely potent for our times and ideological discourses.

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Tilak was introduced to the ideas and world of Bhagavat-Gita at the age of 16. This basic disquiet in his mind and heart instigated a lifelong rational reflections upon the Gita. His engagements in various fields like politics, education, law, astronomy, social and national movements have a basis of meditations on Gita.
A result of these continuous contemplations and reflections is the treatise ‘Srimadbhagavatagitarahasya or Karmayogashastra’. Though we have the legacy of various commentaries and expositions on Gita, these original commentaries presented two different schools of thought. One propounded a continuation of lively positive activism or a selfless worldly life even after the spiritual enlightenment. And the second one established a renunciation driven or renouncing attitude towards life and action.
Also Read: Gita Rahasya…An Evergreen Book in its 105th 
Before Adi Shankaracharya, the commentaries on the Gita didn’t proposed a complete relinquishing the Sansara and action after enlightenment. Contrary to earlier principles of selfless actions and activism, Adi Shankaracharya defined the Gita's message as about reaching an ultimate, the spiritual liberation by renouncing active life and giving up on an engagement with the world. After Adi Shankaracharya this perspective charged the intellectual atmosphere of India for more than a millennium.
Against such an intellectual backdrop, the significance of Gita-Rahasya written in the first half of the 20th Century, embodied in Lokamanya Tilak's rationalism is unparalleled. It is so important that an entire decade after the release of Gitarahasya was referred as the 'Gitarahasya Yuga'. The contemporary Indian intellectual scenario was stirred and enthused by this book and its fundamental thought.
The fundamental message of Gita is about an active engagement with the world and it encourages karma. This perspective is societal in scope and builds upon the basic social nature of humanity. The Vishuddhakarmayoga, a way of selfless activism rooted in enlightenment and nourished by devotion and faith, has been vigorously asserted by Tilak. Further, he says that a knowledgeable, enlightened and pious man, a Siddha Purusha has to keep on working for the betterment of the society. Such an enlightened leader of the society is a true Karmayogi. This Karmayoga of ​​Tilak is the bedrock of our historical nation-building process and thinking.
Another feature of Gitarahasya is Tilak's idea of ​​ethics and human morality. By reflecting on Indian thought-tradition of ethics and Western Philosophy, Tilak has given a new approach and interpretation of ethics and morality through Gitarahasya.
Today, in the 21st century, this whole thought can show us new dimensions for thinking and working, for nation building and upholding a rightful societal change. Therefore, it is pertinent to initiate not only the studies or contemplation on Gitarahasya, but to actually put it in practice.
As part of these efforts, the online course will be run as an extension course of Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. And Prof. Dr. Sharmila Virkar, Head of the Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai will be delivering lectures in this course. The course medium is English. Kindly do register for this course in great numbers. To register your participation and for more information please call on MOB. No. 9920227755. Thanks!