In an extremely tragic and unfortunate incident, India lost its first-ever Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), General Bipin Rawat, on Dec 8, 2021. The dreadful news of the sad demise of Gen Rawat was first informed through the Indian Air Force's official Twitter account where it was also mentioned that Gen Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), along with his wife Madhulika Rawat and 11 other defense personnel, was on a visit to Defense Services Staff College, Wellington (Nilgiri Hills) to address the faculty and student officers of the Staff Course when the IAF Mi-17V5 helicopter crashed down to ashes in Tamil Nadu's Coonoor.

General Bipin Rawat, who was the 26th Chief of Army Staff during the years 2016 - 2019, was further honored when the title of India's first ever Chief of Defense Staff was bestowed on him. Among the media, General Rawat has been one of the most controversial army personnel because of his opinionated and bold statements during press conferences and interviews. However, his bold persona and valor have made him one of the most impactful military leaders among the enemy, till date. The role and contribution of the highly spirited General, towards the strengthening and reformation of not only the Indian army but all the tri-services altogether, remains unprecedented.
Unfortunately, even during such tragic times that the entire country was witnessing, there was one part of the society mocking the demise of the army personnel. Nevertheless, the officer deserves to be laid down with the immense respect that he deserves after serving the nation selflessly and with complete diligence for more than four decades.
The highly ranked Gorkha Officer of the army had always remained in touch with the Indian soldiers and was always aware of the conditions of the army, even at the very grass root level.The jawans and other officers looked up at him
with absolute respect as an ideal leader of one of the world's mightiest armies. While serving as the CDS, Gen Bipin Rawat and military reforms had almost become synonymous for anyone who had stayed updated about Gen Rawat's work. The position of CDS in India was created with particular objectives to be achieved in the least possible time but efficient functioning. Gen Rawat's dedication to achieving the targets assigned to the position have resulted in huge success towards reforming the Indian armed forces. These military reforms include 'theaterisation', 'modernization', 'integration' as well as 'Indianization' of the Indian armed forces.
Lt Gen Bipin Rawat and the Nagaland ambush of 2015General Bipin Rawat had been bringing in changes in military responses to terrorism even prior to his tenure as the Chief of Army Staff for India.
Gen. Rawat's role as the General Officer Commanding the 3rd core during the 2015 counter-insurgency operation of the Indian army, at the India - Myanmar border is extremely significant. In June 2015, an Indian army military convoy was ambushed in Manipur's Chandel district by the insurgents of United Liberation Front of Western South East Asia that led to the martyrdom of 18 soldiers of the Dogra regiment.
In order to retaliate the attack on Indian soldiers, a counter - insurgency operation was carried out by the Indian army, whereby two militant camps of National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang) (NSCN - K) and Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup (KYKL), respectively, were completely destroyed. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, both the militant outfits are listed as terrorist organizations in the first schedule of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Gen. Rawat, the Lt Gen. who was commanding the Dimapur-based 3 Corps at that time, is solely considered to be responsible for the successful surgical strike that was carried out on June 10, 2015.
The Indian government terms the particular counter - insurgency operation as 'high pursuit' retaliation of the Indian army that was initiated by Gen Bipin Rawat. The counter insurgency operation than took place in June 2015 against the insurgent groups camping across the India - Myanmar border can be referred as the point in the India's defense timeline when India proved it to the world that no act of terrorism will be tolerated and that if at all any such act takes place, then it will be followed with quick and bold response.
The Chandel ambush is considered to be the most dangerous attack on Indian troops, on Indian land, ever since the 1999 Kargil War. Therefore, an impactful retaliation in response was vital.
Gen. Bipin Rawat, thus, will always be remembered in the history of Indian army who utilized the 'surgical strike' strategy in modern day warfare, yet again, as a dependable technique to tackle terrorism and militancy. The operation remained covert for a considerable period until when Gen. Bipin Rawat, during a book launch in Pune, explained the details of the operation to the media.
Gen Bipin Rawat: A clear choice as India's first CDS
Ever since the Kargil war, it had been recommended on the policy level that the Indian armed forces need to have an integrated response to the anti - Indian elements working across the borders. In order to implement that effectively, it was important to appoint one defense personnel who'd be responsible for the integration of all the three forces. Quite visibly, when the position of the Chief of Defense Staff had been the most effective solution to the problem, ironically, it only remained to be a topic of debate for several years.
However, on the occasion of Independence Day in 2019, PM Narendra Modi made the announcement of the position of the Chief of Defense Staff, who would be responsible for the harmony among Indian armed forces. The announcement was followed by the appointment of the then COAS Gen. Bipin Rawat to become the first CDS of India, on Jan 1 2020. PM Modi in his Independence Day speech from Red Fort mentions the significance of the post of CDS for the nation and states;
"...the world is changing today, the scope of war is changing, and the nature of war is changing. It is becoming technology driven; in the circumstances, India too should not have a fragmented approach. Our entire military power will have to work in unison and move forward. Things cannot move smoothly if anyone from the Navy, Army and Air Force is a step ahead from the other two forces, while the other two are lagging behind. All the three should move simultaneously at the same pace. There should be good coordination and it should be relevant with the hope and aspirations of our people. It should be in line with the changing war and security environment in the world and today I want to announce an important decision from Red Fort. The subject experts on the issue have been demanding this for a long time. Today we have decided that we will now have a Chief of Defence Staff- CDS and after formation of this post all the three forces will get effective leadership at the top level. The CDS System is a very important and compelling task in our dream to reform the strategic pace of Hindustan in the world."
- CDS and Beyond Integration of Indian Armed Forces, Vivek Chadha
Undoubtedly, the country was in dire need of the most competent officer of the armed forces to take charge of the position of Chief of Defense Staff. And in such circumstances, the former Chief of Army Staff seemed to be a clear choice to perform the duty. His initial service with the army had marked him as most appropriate to be appointed as the CDS. Understanding the background and conditions that resulted in the appointment of General Bipin Rawat as the senior most commanding officer of the tri services is the call of the hour today.
Reformer of the Indian defense forces
General Bipin Rawat's role in initiating reforms in the Indian armed forces will always be remembered as an unparalleled contribution. Other than the political causes, there were several other reasons as well why, even though the Kargil committee had recommended the integration of Indian armed forces long back, the concept was yet not being accepted among the armed forces. The traditional concept of three distinct forces was overlaying the newly emerging concept of integrated forces. The Indian Air Force had publicly shared their opinion about integrated forces that they look at it as an attempt to overshadow the significance of the Air Force in Indian defense and position it as a support arm in the new system. However, such debates are not limited to India and are observed in several other nations where development seems to take place in the system.
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat had mentioned that the PM had assigned certain duties to him that were to be executed smoothly and efficiently in the least possible time and the officer was determined to do so. His close associates often share how determined Gen Rawat was towards the implementation of the reforms. It is Gen. Bipin Rawat's success as the CDS that during his tenure he had successfully dealt with this matter and had successfully convinced all the three forces to function as an integrated force and initiate the process of theaterisation. India has lost a true warrior, a true patriot in the unfortunate incident that shocked the entire nation. A hero that the nation will always remember.