Lucknow, Jan 28: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the State government has provided houses to over 40 lakh people in the state under PM Awas Yojana - Rural and Urban. The CM said that the state is performing well in achieving the milestone of providing houses to everyone who has applied and is eligible for the scheme, by the year 2022.
The Chief Minister addressed the beneficiaries of PM Awas Yojana - Urban virtually, through an event held in Gorakhpur, after transferring Rs. 2409 crore to 3,42,322 beneficiaries of the scheme across the State. On the occasion CM Yogi Adityanath also hailed the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in fighting COVID pandemic.
The Chief Minister visited the Chauri Chaura martyrium earlier in the day, and also inspected the preparations going on for the centenary celebration of the historical event that took place in 1922. The UP state govt has announced to celebrate the completion of 100 years of Chauri Chaura incident in a grand manner from Feb 4 and will go on for the entire year.