"Kashmiri Hindus exist despite Pakistani Terror" echoed Canadian capital

NewsBharati    20-Jan-2021 17:26:08 PM
Total Views | 95
Ontario, Jan 20: The members of Indo-Canadian Kashmir Forum and Hindu Forum Canada organised an LED truck advertisement campaign on Jan 19, to mark the Kashmiri Hindu's genocide, that took place due to Islamic militancy in the Kashmir valley on the behest of Pakistan on Jan 19, 1991. The LED truck that crossed several cities of Greater Toronto had billboards with messages of "Kashmiri Hindus Exist despite Pakistani Terror", #KashmiriHindusGenocide1990 and #WeExistDespite #PakistaniTerror written on it.

Kashmiri Pandits, back in Kashmir, launched a massive protest in front of the United Nations Military Observer's group office in Jammu to observe Jan 19 as "Exodus Day". As an extention and support to the efforts of the Kashmiri Hindus, the Canadian Hindus recalled the terror of the Kashmir genocide and urged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau-led government to lodge a motion in the parliament against Pakistan's terrorism.
According to the official statement of Bob Saroya, Canadian Conservative MP, the international community has been urged to take effective measures to prevent this and similar crimes against humanity. The campaign in Canada began from the most populous province of Ontario's Legislative Assembly. Later the truck traveled to Toronto City Hall, Pakistan Consulate Office in Vaughan, Brampton and Mississauga. The truck was also stationed in front of various prominent Gurudwaras of Toronto to express solidarity with Sikhs who have also been targeted with Pakistan sponsored terrorism.