PLA Organization of Theater Forces- Part 1

NewsBharati    29-Jul-2020 11:21:27 AM
Total Views | 100
71st Group Army: Up to 6 Combined Arms Brigades (Bdes); Artillery Bde; Air Defense Bde; Special Operations Bde; Army Aviation Bde.
72nd Group Army: Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes; Artillery Bde; Air Defense Bde; Special Operations Bde; Army Aviation Bde.
73rd Group Army: Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde† Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
PLA Navy
East Sea Fleet: 7 Naval Aviation Bdes 3 Frigate Squadrons 2 Destroyer Flotillas Landing Ship Flotilla 2 Submarine Flotillas Fastboat Flotilla

PLA_1  H x W: 0 
PLA Air Force
Eastern Theater Air Force 9 Fighter/Attack Bdes Bomber Division (Div) Specialized Air Div Specialized Air Bde 3 Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Bdes
Surface-to-Surface Missile (SSM) Air Bde PLA Rocket Force‡ 61 Base 7 Missile Bdes
PLA Army
74th Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde† Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
75th Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde† Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
PLA Navy South Sea Fleet 8 Naval Aviation Bdes 2 Frigate Squadrons 2 Destroyer Flotillas Fastboat Flotilla 2 Submarine Flotillas Landing Ship Flotilla 2 Marine Bdes
PLA Air Force Southern Theater Air Force 4 Fighter/Attack Air Bdes 3 Fighter Divs Specialized Air Div Bomber Div Transport Div
PLA Rocket Force 62 Base 5 Missile Bdes 63 Base 5 Missile Bdes
PLA Army
76th Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
77th Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bde Artillery Bde Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
Tibet Military District
Mechanized Infantry Bde 2 Mountain Infantry Bdes Artillery Bde† Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde 2 Army Aviation Detachments from 77th Group Army
Xinjiang Military District 4 Infantry Divs Artillery Bde† Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
PLA Air Force Western Theater Air Force Fighter Div 5 Fighter/Attack Air Bdes Specialized Air Div Transport Div SAM Bde PLA Rocket Force 64 Base 4 Missile Bdes
PLA Army
78th Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
79th Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
80th Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
PLA Navy North Sea Fleet 7 Naval Aviation Bdes Liaoning Carrier Formation w/ 2 Air Bdes assigned 3 Destroyer Flotillas Motorized Infantry Bde 2 Submarine Flotillas Fastboat Flotilla Special Operations Regiment (Rgt)
PLA Air Force Northern Theater Air Force 4 Fighter Divs 9 Air Bdes Ground Attack Air Div Specialized Air Div
PLA Rocket Force 65 Base 3 Missile Bdes
PLA Army
81 Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
82 Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
83 Group Army Up to 6 Combined Arms Bdes Artillery Bde† Air Defense Bde Special Operations Bde Army Aviation Bde
PLA Air Force
Central Theater Air Force
Fighter Div 8 Fighter/Attack Air Bdes 2 Bomber Divs Specialized Air Rgt Transport Div SAM Div 4 SAM Bdes PLA Air Force Airborne Corps PLA Rocket Force 66 Base 4 Missile Bdes
In addition to the ground units identified for the theater group army, each group army also has an engineering and chemical defense brigade, and a service support brigade. Long-range multiple rocket launcher systems have been reported in at least six group army artillery brigades, the artillery brigades in Xinjiang and Tibet Military districts, and an Eastern Theater Command Coastal Defense Brigade. Nuclear forces are subordinate to the Central Military Commission, not theater commands. PLA Rocket Force conventional missile forces likely coordinate their operations with the theater commands. The Liaoning aircraft carrier formation and its aviation force are subordinate to the Central Military Commission.
Early in 2017, the former 77th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the former 26th Group Army, stationed in Shandong in the Northern Theater Command, was reported to have been transferred to the Marines, but this has not been confirmed by official Chinese sources. The Central Theater Command has troops that are not assigned to group armies. The 112th Mechanized Infantry Division is assigned to the Central Theater Command Army Headquarters. There are also two infantry divisions subordinate to the Beijing Garrison: one combat infantry division (with infantry, armored, and artillery regiments) and one guard division responsible for providing installation security at military facilities and performing military police-type functions in the city.