CowPathy : Cow and her medicinal value: Part 2

News Bharati    12-Apr-2020 17:49:47 PM   
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Integration of cowpathy (Go-vaidyak)
Integration of cowpathy (Go-vaidyak) in traditional Indian systems of medicine has been natural based on their common dravyagunavigyan. But if its integration with conventional medicine is contemplated we will need a better understanding of the ingredients of cow products, their pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and therapeutic ratio. These would be the prerequisites. Besides that purity has to be demonstrated as to pesticides, heavy metals and microbes. A rational beginning can be made by data collection of experiential and anecdotal responses.

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A meticulous analysis of such a database of panchgavya and other cow products would look for temporal relationships, biological plausibility and translational potential before embarking on state-of-the-art experimental and clinical studies for selected indications e.g. cancer, obesity, arthritis, allergy, etc. Cowpathy i.e. Panchgavya , is a vast-rich reservoir of traditional cultural- healthcare practices. Application of relevant-science and modern-technology would help translate these traditional experiences into evidence-based therapies with novelty and innovations.

( Source: The preceding submission is derived from several primary sources the list of which is appended. ( Please refer- refer The Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine too).

Purposeful Ghee-avoidance in India

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‘Rashtriya Gokul Mission’ was announced in 2014, by the Government of India, to enhance the indigenous breed of cows (A2 type).
In Ayurveda, cow's milk has many nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Successful management of cirrhotic ascites with milk only diet has been shown in Ayurveda. Semicarpus Anacardium (Bhallatak)-based formulation has better tolerability and compliance when given with milk, as demonstrated in patients of osteoarthritis. Unlike without milk, the same formulation was non-toxic when given along with milk, in a long-term chronic animal toxicity study 13.

It is a traditional practice in Ayurveda to prescribe cow's milk along with certain medicines to enhance the efficacy/toxicity ratio. Casein is present in nano-form in the milk. Some phytoactives, like curcumin, would bind to casein and enhance absorption and systemic delivery 14.

Ghee is a product unique to India. For decades, its high content of saturated fatty acids was often blamed for prevalent dyslipidemia and enhanced risk for cardiovascular diseases and a high incidence of coronary heart disease among Indians15.

Such a ‘tag’ led to a widespread ghee-avoidance in India. There has been a paradigm shift now, as evidence has emerged on the benefits of ghee and a healthy lifestyle. The problem is not necessarily due to only saturated fatty acids16. In experimental animals, ‘conjugated linoleic acid’ in ghee increased antioxidant activity and prevented atherogenesis 17.

Cow ghee, prepared traditionally, is regarded as beneficial in therapy and for health promotion. Kalpana Joshi has demonstrated that ghrita prepared by traditional Ayurvedic method contains a higher amount of DHA which has beneficial effects on human health18. In Ayurvedic therapeutics, ghee is co-administered with other remedies.

Special ghee-based formulations are developed for target indications e.g. Bacopa monnieri (Bramhi-ghrita for cognitive effects) Adhatoda vasica (Vasa-ghrita for respiratory diseases), hundred times washed with water (Shata-dhauta-ghrita for skin aliments) etc. Putatively, such ghrita formulations would enhance bioavailability, delivery and target occupancy of hydrophobic phytoactives. There is a need to better understand the pharmaceutics of such formulations and their relevance to liposomal preparations.

Over a century ago, Metchnikoff, a pioneer of cellular immune defence, popularized yogurt as a healthy and longevity food 19. Curds, yogurts and butter are globally consumed for their high nutritional value. In Ayurvedic dietetics, there are precautions for their intake. An individual's constitution, climate and health status have to be considered. There are items which require to be modified by co-administration with other food substances.

Curds are recommended with green gram soup (mung) for an individual of vata Prakruti, with a lump sugar for one with pitta Prakruti and with cumin powder for a kapha Prakruti individual. Such personalized yogurts may offer significant health and medicinal benefits. Ayurceuticals of novel types are worth exploring with the basis of nutritional sciences and processes of nutraceutical technology. Whey, the liquid residue of curdled milk, has whey protein, which has a high nutrient value. Bovine whey protein was studied as a replacement of foetal bovine serum in the medium for cells with encouraging results20. Such an alternative would prevent the violent methods used to collect foetal bovine serum.

Kathiria_1  H xAbout Author: Dr. Vallbhbhai Kathiria, M.S. (Surgery) Presently working as Chairman Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog(National Cattle Commission ), New Delhi, since 2019. Founder Trustee Dhammaket Vipassana Center Rajkot, “Vipassana” Meditator for Spiritual Self Enlightenment. Renowned Cancer Surgeon by Profession, earned degree form B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Dr Kathiria is a Centurion Blood Donor : blood donation for 127 times, till today. Elected Member of Parliament-Lok Sabha ( 1996 - 2009 ) from Rajkot for 4 times; first ever M.P. to win consecutively for 4 times since Independence.

Dr. Vallbhbhai Kathiria

Dr. Vallbhbhai Kathiria
M.S. (Surgery)
Presently working as Chairman Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog(National Cattle Commission ), New Delhi, since 2019. Founder Trustee Dhammaket Vipassana Center Rajkot, “Vipassana” Meditator for Spiritual Self Enlightenment.
Renowned Cancer Surgeon by Profession. Earned degree from B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Dr Kathiria is a Centurion Blood Donor: blood donation for 127 times, till today.
Elected Member of Parliament-Lok Sabha ( 1996 - 2009 ) from Rajkot for 4 times; first-ever M.P. to win consecutively for 4 times since Independence.
Popularly known as “Check – Dam Sansad” for his exemplary work for the water conservation movement in Saurashtra.
Served as Minister of State in Hon’ble Atal Behari Vajpayee Government (1999 – 2004 ) as MoS Heavy Industries And Public Enterprise, HRD & Health and Family Welfare.
Served as Chairman of Gauseva & Gauchar Vikas Board Gujarat form 2010 to 2017.